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Who We Are

The Permian Basin Teen Pregnancy Prevention Coalition is a group of concerned community members coming together to address the challenge of Teen Pregnancy in the Permian Basin.  The group consists of health professionals and lay persons with an interest in our youth and a passion for their well-being.  Representatives are from the following organizations:

  1. Amerigroup

  2. Ector County Health Department

  3. Ector County Independent School System (ECISD), Teen Parent Services

  4. The Life Center

  5. Thriving United

  6. Maximus

  7. Odessa Regional Medical Center

  8. Permian Basin Regional Council for Alcohol and Drug Abuse (PBRCADA)

  9. Superior Healthplan

  10. Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center at the Permian Basin, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Permian Basin Teen Pregnancy Prevention Coalition

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